RPPASPACE 1.0.10 (2023-10-19)
- Removed unnecessary dependency on MASS package.
- Removed unnecessary timing point print outs.
- Fixed bug that was causing error when displaying Predicted Slide Quality plot.
- Fixed bug with improperly named image files that was sometimes leaving behind extra temporary files in output directory.
- Updated sample Run.R file with extra parameters to prevent warnings during run.
- Updated documentation and description file including adding additional authors and contributors.
- Minor updates to formatting in various source and documentation files to make use of spaces and tabs more consistent.
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* 1.0.9 SERIES NEWS *
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RPPASPACE 1.0.9 (2023-08-18)
- Fixed bug in Prefit QC calculation that was causing QC value to be off by up to +/- 0.1.
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* 1.0.8 SERIES NEWS *
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RPPASPACE 1.0.8 (2021-10-20)
- PNG image showing R2 residuals updated.
Displays legend by default.
Rotates by user specified dimension.
Each spot on slide represented by consistent square block of pixels.
- JPEG Graphics output rewritten to use updated PNG file.
- Oriention of slide image vs graphs change based on longer dimension of slide image.
- Depends on many new packages due to graphical changes.
- RPPASPACESettings parameter createoutputjpg changed to createcombinedoutputimage.
- RPPADesignParams parameters majorXDivisions and majorYDivisions allow user to set gridlines on R2 residual graph output.
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* 1.0.4 SERIES NEWS *
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- Initial publicly available version.
- Initial submittal to CRAN.