Add an Axis to an NG-CHM Version 2 | + +,ngchmVersion2,ngchmAxis-method |
Provide a simpler method for accessing repo methods | $.shaidyRepo |
Helper function to cast variables as integers. | castAsInteger |
Helper function to cast list as integer | castListAsInteger |
Add a list of objects to a NGCHM. | chmAdd chmAdd,ngchm-method |
Add an axis type to a NGCHM. | chmAddAxisType chmAddAxisType,ngchm,character,character,character-method chmAddAxisType,ngchm,character,character,missing-method chmAddAxisType,ngchm,character,character,ngchmJS-method |
Add a colormap to a NGCHM. | chmAddColormap chmAddColormap,ngchm,ngchmColormap-method |
Add a covariate to an auxiliary dataset. | chmAddCovariate chmAddCovariate,ngchmDataset,character,ngchmCovariate-method |
Add a covariate bar to a NGCHM. | chmAddCovariateBar chmAddCovariateBar,ngchm,character,list-method chmAddCovariateBar,ngchm,character,ngchmBar-method chmAddCovariateBar,ngchm,character,ngchmCovariate-method chmAddCovariateBar,ngchm,character,ngchmCovariateBar-method |
Add custom CSS to a NGCHM. | chmAddCSS chmAddCSS,ngchm,character,character-method chmAddCSS,ngchm,character-method |
Add an auxiliary dataset to a NGCHM. | chmAddDataset chmAddDataset,ngchm,ngchmDataset-method |
Add an extra dialog to a NGCHM. | chmAddDialog chmAddDialog,ngchm,ngchmDialog-method |
Add a Layer to a NGCHM. | chmAddLayer chmAddLayer,ngchm,matrix-method chmAddLayer,ngchm,ngchmLayer-method |
Add a menu entry to a NGCHM. | chmAddMenuItem chmAddMenuItem,ngchm,character,character,character-method chmAddMenuItem,ngchm,character,character,ngchmJS-method |
Add MetaData to NG-CHM | chmAddMetaData chmAddMetaData,ngchm,character,character,character-method |
Generate an overview image of the NGCHM when making it. | chmAddOverview chmAddOverview,ngchm,character,numeric,numeric-method chmAddOverview,ngchm,character,optNumeric,optNumeric-method |
Add PCA coordinates to an NG-CHM. | chmAddPCA |
Add custom property to a NGCHM. | chmAddProperty chmAddProperty,ngchm,character,character-method |
Add reduced dimension coordinates to an NG-CHM. | chmAddReducedDim |
Add a link to related information to the NGCHM. | chmAddRelated chmAddRelated,ngchm,character,character,character-method |
Add a group of related links to the NGCHM. | chmAddRelatedGroup chmAddRelatedGroup,ngchm,character,character,character,character-method chmAddRelatedGroup,ngchm,character,character,character,missing-method |
Add a CHM-specific axis type function to a NGCHM. | chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction,ngchm,character,character,character,character-method chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction,ngchm,character,character,character,ngchmJS-method |
Add tags to a NGCHM. | chmAddTag chmAddTag,ngchm,character,character-method chmAddTag,ngchm,character-method |
Add a file template to the NGCHM. | chmAddTemplate chmAddTemplate,ngchm,charOrFunction,character,optList-method |
Add standard toolbox to an NG-CHM axis | chmAddToolboxR chmAddToolboxR,ngchm,character,character,character,character-method |
Add Toolbox R2 to NG-CHM | chmAddToolboxR2 chmAddToolboxR2,ngchm,character,character,character-method |
Add Toolbox RC to NG-CHM | chmAddToolboxRC chmAddToolboxRC,ngchm,character,character,character,character-method chmAddToolboxRC,ngchm,character,character,character-method |
Add TSNE coordinates to an NG-CHM. | chmAddTSNE |
Add UMAP coordinates to an NG-CHM. | chmAddUMAP |
Add UWOT::UMAP coordinates to an NG-CHM. | chmAddUWOT |
Create a new Axis for adding to an NG-CHM. | chmAxis |
Create a new AxisType for adding to an ngchmAxis. | chmAxisType |
Bind values to an existing JS function. | chmBindFunction chmBindFunction,character,character,list-method chmBindFunction,character,ngchmJS,list-method |
Browse the NGCHMs on the specified server in the viewer. | chmBrowse |
Set the column order of data shown in a NGCHM. | chmColOrder<- chmColOrder<-,ngchm,optDendrogram-method |
Get the color map of an NG-CHM object. | chmColorMap |
Set the color map of an NG-CHM object | chmColorMap<- |
Get the colors of an ngchmColormap, ngchmLayer, ngchmBar, or ngchmCovariate. | chmColors |
Set the colors of an ngchmColormap, ngchmLayer, ngchmBar, or ngchmCovariate. | chmColors<- |
Get a covariate attached to an NG-CHM dataset. | chmCovariate |
Get a covariate bar attached to an NG-CHM. | chmCovariateBar |
Create a new NG-CHM Collection | chmCreateCollection |
Create an ngchmServer object for a managed NG-CHM server | chmCreateManagedServer |
Create an ngchmServer object from a specification. | chmCreateServer |
Get the user's current collection | chmCurrentCollection |
Get the user's current server | chmCurrentServer |
Return default column order of an NGCHM | chmDefaultColOrder |
Return default row order of an NGCHM | chmDefaultRowOrder |
Get the name of a NGCHM server. | chmDeployServer chmDeployServer,ngchmServer-method |
Export a standalone NGCHM to a file. | chmExportToFile |
Export a standalone HTML containing the NGCHM to a file. | chmExportToHTML |
Export a PDF of the NGCHM to a file. | chmExportToPDF |
Get Javascript function name for accessing a specific string field in each element of string vector. | chmFieldAccessFunction |
Get the dataset from an NG-CHM object | chmGetDataset chmGetDataset,ngchmLayer-method |
Get per-user configuration for a specific deploy Server. | chmGetDeployServerConfig |
Get a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM menus | chmGetFunction |
Get the file path to the specified overview file. | chmGetOverview |
Get Property from NG-CHM | chmGetProperty chmGetProperty,ngchmVersion2,character-method chmGetProperty,ngchmVersion2-method |
Get information about a type name. | chmGetTypeInfo |
Get the URL for an installed NGCHM. | chmGetURL chmGetURL,character-method chmGetURL,ngchm-method |
Determine if the NG-CHM has the given property. | chmHasProperty chmHasProperty,ngchmVersion2,character-method chmHasProperty,ngchmVersion2-method |
Add an NG-CHM to an NG-CHM collection. | chmInstall chmInstall,ngchm-method |
Get the label/name of an NG-CHM object. | chmLabel |
Set the label/name of an NG-CHM object | chmLabel<- |
Get a specified Data Layer from an NG-CHM. | chmLayer |
Set (or append) a specified Data Layer in an NG-CHM. | chmLayer<- |
List the predefined Javascript functions available for use in NGCHM menus. | chmListFunctions |
List NG-CHM Servers | chmListServers |
List known axis types. | chmListTypes |
Load CHM from NG-CHM server | chmLoadCHM chmLoadCHM,character,character-method chmLoadCHM,character,missing-method chmLoadCHM,ngchmServer,character-method |
Load an NG-CHM from an NG-CHM server. | chmLoadShaidyCHM |
Compile a NGCHM. | chmMake chmMake,ngchm-method |
Make NG-CHM Private on Server | chmMakePrivate chmMakePrivate,character,character-method chmMakePrivate,character,ngchm-method chmMakePrivate,ngchmServer,character-method chmMakePrivate,ngchmServer,ngchm-method |
Make NG-CHM Public on Server | chmMakePublic chmMakePublic,character,character-method chmMakePublic,character,ngchm-method chmMakePublic,ngchmServer,character-method chmMakePublic,ngchmServer,ngchm-method |
Open the NG-CHM Manager | chmManager |
Get the name of a NGCHM. | chmName chmName,ngchm-method |
Create a new NGCHM. | chmNew |
Create a new Color Map for use in constructing a NGCHM | chmNewColorMap |
Create a new Covariate for adding to an NGCHM auxilary dataset. | chmNewCovariate |
Create a new covariate Bar for a NGCHM | chmNewCovariateBar |
Create a new Data Layer for a NGCHM. | chmNewDataLayer |
Create a new Dataset for a NGCHM. | chmNewDataset |
Create a new Dialog for a NGCHM. | chmNewDialog |
Create a new Javascript function for adding to a NGCHM menu. | chmNewFunction |
Create a new Property for adding to a NGCHM. | chmNewProperty |
Create a new object representing a NGCHM server. | chmNewServer |
Return original column order of an NGCHM | chmOriginalColOrder |
Return original row order of an NGCHM | chmOriginalRowOrder |
Create NG-CHM Properties | chmProperties |
Get the value of an NG-CHM property. | chmProperty |
Set the value of an NG-CHM property. | chmProperty<- |
Return random column order of an NGCHM | chmRandomColOrder |
Return random row order of an NGCHM | chmRandomRowOrder |
Register a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM Axis menus. | chmRegisterAxisFunction |
Register a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM menus. | chmRegisterFunction |
Define and register a Javascript function for obtaining a specific metadata value. | chmRegisterGetMetadataFunction |
Register a predefined Javascript function for use in NGCHM Matrix menus. | chmRegisterMatrixFunction |
Register a Javascript function for use in the NGCHM toolbox. | chmRegisterToolboxFunction |
Register a type name. | chmRegisterType |
Register a predefined Javascript function for converting values from one type to another. | chmRegisterTypeMapper |
Define and register a Javascript function for converting a lists of type values into single values. | chmRegisterTypeSplitter |
Set the row order of data shown in a NGCHM. | chmRowOrder<- chmRowOrder<-,ngchm,optDendrogram-method |
Get a registered ngchmServer object for use in making and installing NGCHMs | chmServer |
Set the user's current server and/or collection | chmSetCollection |
Set Access Credentials for NG-CHM Server | chmSetCredentials chmSetCredentials,character,character-method chmSetCredentials,ngchmServer,character-method |
Specify per-user configuration for a specific deploy Server. | chmSetDeployServerConfig |
Get Javascript function name for performing a specific string operation on each element of a string vector. | chmStringopFunction |
Creates new treeCuts object | chmTreeGaps |
Remove an NG-CHM from Server | chmUninstall chmUninstall,character-method chmUninstall,ngchm-method |
Get the base URL for a NGCHM installed on a NGCHM server. | chmUrlBase chmUrlBase,ngchmServer-method |
Output Javascript code required to customize an NGCHM. | chmWriteCustomJS |
Generic method to get a dimensions matrix from obj. | getDimensions getDimensions,prcomp getDimensions,Seurat getDimensions,umap getDimensions.default getDimensions.prcomp getDimensions.Seurat getDimensions.umap |
Obtain the git hash of an existing file. | gitHashObject |
Initialize Logging | initLogging |
Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM) Construction Library | NGCHM-package NGCHM |
Class representing a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM) under construction. | ngchm-class |
Javascript extensions for the Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM) Construction Library | NGCHM-functions |
Initialization of the NGCHM library. | NGCHM-initialization |
Add a data file to a local shaidy repository | ngchmAddDatasetBlob |
Add a matrix reference to a collection | ngchmAddMatrixToCollection |
Add an object reference to a collection | ngchmAddObjectToCollection |
Class representing an axis of a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NG-CHM). | ngchmAxis-class |
Class representing an axis function for Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmAxisFunction-class |
Class representing a type attached to an axis in a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmAxisType-class |
Class representing a Covariate Bar on a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmBar-class |
Recursively determine if collection uuid is contained in collection A collecton always contains itself. | ngchmCollectionInCollection |
Create a recursive description of a collection | ngchmCollectionTree |
Class representing a Color Map on a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmColormap-class |
Class representing a Covariate attached to a Dataset | ngchmCovariate-class |
Create and register an NGCHM server protocol implementation. | ngchmCreateServerProtocol |
Class representing custom CSS for a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmCSS-class |
Class representing a Dataset attached to a NGCHM | ngchmDataset-class |
Class representing an addon dialog | ngchmDialog-class |
Find a repository, if any, that contains the requested shaid | ngchmFindRepo |
Compute shaid for a data file | ngchmGetDataFileShaid |
Get the ngchm environment (for debugging only). | ngchmGetEnv |
Get a HTTR handle for the server's view/WS URL | ngchmGetHandleHTTR |
Get the axis labels of a shaidy dataset or dendrogram | ngchmGetLabels |
Get the axis labels of a shaidy dataset or dendrogram | ngchmGetLabelsStr |
Get Protocol Parameter for NG-CHM Server | ngchmGetProtoParam |
Get Server Protocol for NG-CHM | ngchmGetServerProtocol |
Initialize Shaidy Repository for NG-CHM | ngchmInitShaidyRepository |
Class representing a custom Javascript function for a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmJS-class |
Class representing a Layer on a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmLayer-class |
List defined server protocols | ngchmListServerProtocols |
Load a data matrix from a local shaidy repository | ngchmLoadDatasetBlob |
Make an original format NGCHM. | ngchmMakeFormat.original |
Make a shaidy format NGCHM. | ngchmMakeFormat.shaidy |
Class representing a matrix function for Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmMatrixFunction-class |
Class representing a Menu Item for a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmMenuItem-class |
Class representing meta data attached to an NG-CHM | ngchmMetaData-class |
Create a new Classification Bar for a NGCHM | ngchmNewBar |
Create a new collection in a local shaidy repository | ngchmNewCollection |
Class representing an overview of a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmOverview-class |
Class representing a Generic Property for a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmProperty-class |
Check Protocol Parameters for NG-CHM | ngchmProtoParamCheck |
Push a local shaidy repository onto the stack of source repositories | ngchmPushSourceRepository |
Push a shaidy server onto the stack of source repositories | ngchmPushSourceServer |
Push Temporary Repository for NG-CHM | ngchmPushTempRepository |
Register an ngchmServer. | ngchmRegisterServer |
Class representing a link related to a NGCHM | ngchmRelated-class |
Class representing a group of related links to a NGCHM | ngchmRelatedGroup-class |
Render a shaidy NGCHM | ngchmRenderChm |
Return response content interpreted as JSON | ngchmResponseJSON |
Row center a shaidy dataset | ngchmRowCenter |
Save a numeric matrix as a blob in a shaidy repository | ngchmSaveAsDatasetBlob |
Save a dendrogram as a blob in a shaidy repository | ngchmSaveAsDendrogramBlob |
Save an NGCHM as a shaidy blob | ngchmSaveChmAsBlob |
Class representing a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM) server. | ngchmServer-class |
Class representing a deployment method for a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM) server. | ngchmServerProtocol-class |
Class representing a Template attached to a NGCHM | ngchmTemplate-class |
Get the tiles for a shaidy dataset | ngchmTileDataset |
Class representing a type mapper function for Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmTypeMapper-class |
Unregister NG-CHM Server | ngchmUnregisterServer |
Class representing the properties of a data point in a Next Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM). | ngchmValueProp-class |
Class representing ngchmVersion2 object | ngchmVersion2-class |
Optional Dendrogram | optDendrogram-class |
Open the NG-CHM on the specified server in the viewer. | plot.ngchmVersion2 |
Pretty Print NGCHM Type Information | |
Print a shaidy repository | print.shaidyRepo |
Class representing the shaid of an object | shaid-class |
Add data file(s) and properties to a local shaidy repository | shaidyAddFileBlob |
Determine if one more blobs exist in a shaidy repository | shaidyBlobExists |
Copy a blob from one repository to another | shaidyCopyBlob |
Create a prototype blob in a shaidy repository | shaidyCreateProtoBlob |
Finalize a prototype blob | shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob |
Find the first repository, if any, that contains the requested shaid | shaidyFindRepo |
Get an object's component shaids | shaidyGetComponents shaidyGetComponents,ngchm-method shaidyGetComponents,ngchmCovariate-method shaidyGetComponents,ngchmDataset-method |
Get shaid for an object | shaidyGetShaid shaidyGetShaid,ngchm-method |
Compute the shaid to assign a protoblob | shaidyHashProtoBlob |
Create and initialize Shaidy Repository | shaidyInitRepository |
Load the provid -> shaid DB for a local shaidy repository | shaidyLoadProvenanceDB |
Load the provid -> labels DB for a local shaidy repository. | shaidyLoadProvidDB |
Load a shaidy repository | shaidyLoadRepository |
Create in memory shaid cache | shaidyNewCache |
Create a provid from a list of label values | shaidyProvenance |
Get the methods for the repository API called api | shaidyRepoAPI |
Helper class for setting row/col gap locations as tree cuts | treeCuts-class |
Helper function to verify if variable is numeric. | verifyNumeric |